Going Deeper @ Unleash!

Would you enjoy more time at Unleash?

New this year!
This page will support you in exploring how to
spend valuable extra time in the Unleash! container.


Enter Unleash! on Thursday, November 2nd - a day early for extra time to ground in, set up your campsite, and enjoy exclusive programming before the Wonder begins.

Entry time on Thursday, November 2nd is from 2pm to 6pm. No entry will be allowed outside of this timeframe.

Going Deeper

LATE EXIT (Integration Night)

Sunday’s programming ends at 2:30pm. All guests not staying Sunday must exist by 5pm.

Extend your stay from Sunday 5pm until 12pm Monday!

The urge to head home and jump back into life is met with your inner knowing calling for space and time to integrate the profound moments, emotions, and wisdom from experience. Soak it up fully and integrate the full experience by joining us for one extra, very intentional night together.

Join us for an intentional and nourishing dinner as a community Sunday evening (no meal plan required) and facilitated integration conversations, providing a safe space for sharing and practicing tools to empower your deepest integration.